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Constantly Recording Your IT Support Timecard Is About More Than Just Your Work

Constantly Recording Your IT Support Timecard Is About More Than Just Your Work
Constantly Recording Your IT Support Timecard Is About More Than Just Your Work

I get it: No one likes the feeling of someone looking over their shoulder as they work.

You’re a pro. You know how to do your job and don’t need someone micromanaging you.

However, if you work at a support desk and feel the dispatcher hovering over you, that’s them doing their job.

Dispatchers are responsible for ensuring support tickets are handled effectively so every customer has a fast and effective experience. However, they can only do that properly if their IT technicians constantly record their working hours on tier timecards.

Constantly filling in a timecard on the job sounds like a painstaking process and maybe overkill to some. Your technicians might think they have a good enough memory to record it later or don’t want to break their workflow when they feel like they're in the zone.

However, these timecards aren’t for when things are working; they’re protection for when things go wrong.

Life happens. People get sick, summoned to jury duty, or whatever other sudden life events that take your technicians away from work. However, while they are handling their lives, the customer is still waiting there, needing support so they can handle their own problems.

Typically, this isn’t a problem. Another technician can simply pick up the ticket and continue the customer’s journey toward a solution. However, if the missing technician isn’t keeping up with his timecard and isn’t there to fill in the information gaps, you don’t know where that customer is in the support process. This can lead to unnecessary confusion, redundancies, and frustration for the customer and the help desk staff.

Instead of making the dispatcher play detective to find out what happened, ensure your technicians keep consistent timecard records. This allows the dispatcher to easily ensure that each ticket is being taken care of in a timely manner and can easily pass the ticket off to someone else if needed. Even just one timecard moment that fails to be recorded can lead to the entire case being thrown off.

So, instead of worrying about your technicians being agitated by the need to constantly record their timecards, remind them that it’s not about evaluating their work but supporting the dispatcher running your IT Support operation.

Need some assistance in improving the operations of your support services? Bering McKinley has got you covered thanks to our top-notch consulting team and decades of IT wisdom.

If you’re ready to support your help desk services, contact us today.

[CTA] Constantly Recording Your IT Support Timecard Is About More Than Just Your Work